The Haunting | Teen Ink

The Haunting

February 19, 2016
By Brookels23 BRONZE, Colorado Springs Colorado, Colorado
Brookels23 BRONZE, Colorado Springs Colorado, Colorado
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

One cold September night I was cozy in my bed, about to fall asleep. The wind blowing fiercely. I heard a sound rustling somewhere in my room. I didn't think it was anything,  considering it was so windy that night. I slowly drifted off to sleep but before I could I heard that strange noise once again. I was a little uneasy because the sound was getting louder this time. But I soon feel asleep.         
    I woke up the next morning and assumed I was just dreaming. I sat in my room playing with my dolls and then my mom called me down for dinner.
She screamed "Samantha you need to come down here, it's time to eat." 
"ok I'm coming mom." I yelled back.
I tumbled down the stairs in a rush to get some dinner. The whole family sat down, my mother! My father, sister Emily, and me. We all sat around after we were done, I asked everyone If they heard any weird noises last night and no one did? I was surprised cause I was so clear you could hear it a mile away.
"Hmmm" i mumbled, "I must have been dreaming." I chuckled.
"Samantha your so weird." Emily scoffed.
"Well your not hot yourself." I snickered back.
"Whatever" she said angrily.
Mom then jumped into the conversation.
"Girls stop fighting" said said
"Well she started it" I said winey.
"I dont care I said stop" she said uninviting
           We all eventually made are way to are rooms. And hung out their for awhile, tell I got ready for bed. I soon got into bed all snuggled under my covers and dozed off. Once again that strange creepy noise started. It al most sounded like someone whispering to me but it was so faint I couldn't make out the words. I got up to check and see if my brother was messing with me. So I tip toes down the hall way, to see my sister in her bed sound a sleep and I got a little scared. So I went back to my room and just layer back in my bed and feel asleep.
        Then I heard it. The voice, saying my name. I shuddered in my sheet and looked around the room. I didn't see anything but I the corner of my eye I saw a dark shadow smiling a creepy grin. I screamed a blood curdling sceam, terrified I ran out of the room. I saw my mother and father rushing to come and see what had happened. They looked worried,
My father asked "are you ok what's wrong?"
"Are you alright sweetie" my mother said
I answered frightened  "I saw a ghost mom" 
I began to weep and jumped into my parents arms and slept in their room the rest of the night.
         I woke up the next morning very sick and could barely move and began to wine. I was scared cause I have no idea what was happening to me. My mom came in with a bowl of soup and began to speak.
She said "how are you feeling sweetie?"
"I'm so weak it's hard to move mom" I replied.
"Well just get some rest and I'll came check on you later" she said.
"Ok" I said weakly.
         I had slept the whole day, I slowly woke up and looked around to see i was back in my room and felt even more uneasy then before. I saw nothing out of the ordinary, I felt better and not as weak so I went down stairs to get a glass of water. While I saw walking down the hall towards the stairs, I felt a slight push and I feel all the way down the 12 stairs before me. I woke up minutes later. I had blacked out I guess. I was very scared and I didn't know what was happening. I just though I was being clumsy so I blew that off as well. Then I heard the voice again and I knew something was wrong and I needed to find out. So before bed I set up camera in the corner of my room. I woke up the next morning and nothing was there to my surprise.
       I wasn't as worried now, but then I heard that strange voice again and it started telling me something. It said "I see you Samantha" and then it chuckled. I was terrified, so I ran to my parents and told them everything.
They replied "honey your just dreaming your fine"
I said shaky "no I'm not I even felt something push me down the stairs, and that's not a dream"
"We'll I don't know what to tell you sweetie, I can sleep in your room tonight if you want." Mother said
I agreed saying "would you? Cause I'm not safe In there alone."
"Ok I will sleep in there and see if anything is going on ok"
       We then all headed to bed and in the middle of the night about 2 am I heard my mother run in the room. I woke up and saw her standing at the foot of the bed.
She screamed in a deep tone "I see you Samantha"
I screamed and hid under the covers and my father woke up to her Loud yelling voice then said
"What are you doing honey, why are you screaming?"
She screamed back "I see you Samantha"
Then she collapsed. I peeked over the side of the bed to see her asleep on the floor. I shuddered in my sheet and was very frightened. So was my father, he got up and looked around the room for anything odd and he did.
    He had found an old photo of the past residents who had passed away. He shuddered.
"What's wrong" I said
He replied frightened "I threw these away months ago" 
"What do you mean dad there right there" i said
He looked stunned. He then began to grab clothes and suit case and said
"Go get your brother and sister up were leaving"
I was scared and said "but dad why?"
He yelled "just go get them, NOW!
"Ok ok I'm going"
         I walked into my sisters room so see her in the corner whispering. I couldn't make out what she was saying. I tapped her shoulder and she spun around with a wide smiling grin. Just like the shadow I had saw. I shuddered and said
"Emily are you ok?"
She began to whisper "your coming with me my darling to my world, I see you Samantha"
I was freaking out, I ran out of there and told my dad the whole thing so he went in the room and snapped her out of it. She then collapsed just as my mother did and we got are stuff and got out of there. From this day forward I haven't been act there cause it still gives me chills. But we had to go back to get are stuff and I couldn't go In cause I knew that I wouldn't come out alive.

The author's comments:

I wasnt planing on making this story, I had a writing assignment for my English class. I got into it cause it was just flowing out onto my canvas of paper. It was very interesting to write and read and it's very mysterious in the end.

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