The Creature | Teen Ink

The Creature

May 20, 2016
By JasonArellano BRONZE, Austin, Texas
JasonArellano BRONZE, Austin, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The Creature

“You can start when you’re ready.”
I said nothing. All this time I wanted to forget and now they want me to tell them what happen. I started to look at the guy. He was a tall man, and also old. He had pens in his shirt pocket and also a notebook, that was really thick.
“Just tell me from the beginning, we to know what happen to your friends, or they are are going to accuse you for what happened to your friends.”
I sit up and looked at him. I know he would not believe me, but he told me to tell him. So I will.
“What! There's no way i'll do that.” This is Jacob. He's a smart person with glasses but he has his ups and downs. He knows what he is doing but then blanks out at the very end.
“Hey you chose dare Jacob, you can’t back out of this one,” said Axel. This is my other friend, he not the brightest person you will ever meet but he is  down to do anything.
“I'm not going to go up to that lady and ask her for her number.”
“I'll do it for five bucks.”
“You'll do anything for money.” I said.
“You got to make money somehow….Nah i'm just bored, lets do something.”
That's when Jacob got the idea of stay a night at a The Lester's house. The house has been abandoned for two years now, and since it's a big two stories house nobody knows what it looks like inside. The Lester’s was the family who live there the last, they “ disappeared” two days after they came. People thought that they didn't like the neighborhood, but we know that wasn't true. We always messed around that something happen to them, but nothing serious.
“Alright, anything will do,” said Axel.
“Sure why not,” I said.
“Then let's meet up at the house at eight.”
It was six already when I came home, so I decided to just pack the things I will need for that night. I packed two flashlights because I don't that house has electricity, some snacks, a small pillow, and blanket. That was pretty much it. I was ready. Now i just needed to wait. It was about to be eight and I was already walking there. I could see Jacob in the distance with a backpack, his backpack was so fat it was like he was at school all over again. I finally meet up with him and I said.
“Hey, what's up with your backpack man, its suffering.”
“It's like that because my pillow is really puffy, couldn't find a smaller one.”
“So what about Axel have you called him.”
“No, but i thought he was going to be the first one here since he was the one that wanted to do something so bad.”
“Don't tell me he forg-” At that moment Axel pulls up beside us and comes out of his car.
“You guys ready...Let's go.” Walking towards the old house.
“What about your stuff.” I said
“What stuff, why would i bring stuff.” 
“Where are you going to sleep.” said Jacob.
“On a bed. Duh.” Axel said entering the house.
We followed. When entering I could smell the dust on the walls, on the paintings, on everything really. I also got this really bad vibe when I stood there, but what do I expect from a abandoned house. I take both of my flashlights, turned them on, and hand one to Axel. From what I saw the house looked good aside from the dust and the broken wood. We started to explore the first floor. It was a pretty large area, on one of the three rooms we found a big glass case with a broken lock, inside was a sword. The sword had a nice looking carrying case too, it was white and had gold designs all over it.
“Woah. This could be our souvenir.” said Axel
“Looks cool, but I think we should just leave it.” I said
“How would you leave an awesome sword...I'm taking it.”
He puts it over his shoulder and we started to head up the stairs. Every step we took he could hear a screeching noise. The first thing you can see was two hallways, on to the right and one to the left. The first door we open was the best room out of all we have seen in this house. Im guessing it was the master room. It had a big bed with pillows and blankets. Axel goes up to it and grabs on side of the blanket and and shook the dust off. The jumps on the bed with both hands behind his head.
“I knew I didn’t need to bring anything.”
   All of a sudden we hear something loud downstairs. We were scared. Me and Jacob used our lights to look where the noise came from. Bam. We heard it again, but this time it came from under the couch, Jacob moves it out of the way and we see a some sort of door on the ground. Axel took a big swing with his sword and broke the lock it had. There were stairs leading down to the basement. There was a lot of stairs that's when we knew it wasn't a regular basement. It was dark even with our flashlights, I don't think we even know what we were going.
“Where and why are we here...You know what. We should just call this off and go home.” said Jacob.
“Yeah. I agree.” I said looking at Axel
“Ok let's just check this place out and we go.”
“I'm sorry but I don't-” Out of nowhere a thing grabs Jacob, knocks me and Axel to the ground. On the ground i look up and only see Jacob getting taken away by some creature. I couldn't figure out what I just saw, all I saw was a tall skinny human like thing but it didn't have a face. We got up really quick and sprinted up the stairs. Axel reached to the door first but we couldn't get it to open.
“DUDE NO WAY! What was that? Jacob dead, we’re dead.”
“Hey!..hey it's okay. Jacob is not dead. He's down there, and we got to help him.” I said calming him down. I really didn't want want to think about if Jacob was really dead. In just hoping he's fine.
“We can't just leave him there so we have to go back down.”
“OK...ok, i'm down for that. That's a good thing I brought the sword. Right.”
“Right.” We headed back down. One of our flashlights broke when we got knocked down to the floor. We came across a wooden door, I opened it slowly. Behind that door was a big hall with rooms on each side of the hall. We also could finally see because in the wall were torches that light up the hall. The rooms had metal doors. And inside the walls were made of concrete bricks and on one side was a normal bed. All of them looked the same except one of them. One of the rooms had a different kind of metal door, it was more thick and had a caution label on it. Also it was broken in half and the inside of the was destroyed, like something broke out.
“I’m guessing this is the creature's room.” said Axel.
“Hey There's another wooden door over there. Let's go.” As we approach towards it Jacob comes out of the door slowly.
“Jacob! What happened to you?” we walked towards each other, I took a look at Jacob and he did not have any scratches or anything like that. He didn't even had his glasses.
“That...Thing took me to place, but I manage to escape and have been walking and then... well I found you guys.”
“About how much did you walk..?” Said Axel.
“I walked a pretty good amount, back there was big area.” Axel pulls me back and points the sword toward Jacob.
“Hey what the hell are you doing. It's Jacob idiot.” I was trying take the sword out of his hands but he kept pushing me back.
“Hey 'm your friend Jacob, put the sword down.”
“Where's Jacob! Where is he!” Axel screamed.
“What do you mean, that's-”
“Open your eyes, he doesn't have his glasses on. And you know he can't see without them.” He was right. I noticed that he didn't have his glasses, but I guess I didn't pay attention to much on that. Jacob can not see anything without them. That's when “Jacob” grabs the sword out the hands of Axel and puts it on his neck. Then morphs back to his original self.
“Your brave coming down here. But what a shame that you will die.” it was using Jacob’s voice and That's when Axel grabs the sword and stabs it him right in the chest.
“Ruuun! Ill buy you some time!Go!” I ran and went to the wooden door. I could hear the creature’s screech behind it. I ran and ran until I found a room that had chains. I found Jacob. The real one. He was chain to the wall from his leg.
“Jacob! C’mon help me get you out of here.”
“No… leave here. You are the one that has to get out of here.” he slightly opens up his sweater and shows me his wound and sups up his sweater up again.
“This creature can only  be killed by big explosion. I read it by a piece a paper that that skeleton had” He points to the three other skeletons chained to the wall also. The Lester's.”There’s a tank of flammable gas a door to the right of this hall, and there's also an elevator right next to it that takes you to the back yard. Use the tank as the big explosion.”
“Thanks so much man.”
“Go. Hurry.”
I grab one of the torches of the wall and ran to the place that Jacob told me about and behind me I heard the creature. I saw the elevator, I step in and got ready to press the up button. I also got one of the chains on the floor and tied on end to the valve of the tank, so I can pull it when the elevator takes me up. At that moment the creature comes in shaking the blood off the sword.
“Accept your fate and die.”
“Im good, thanks.”
I press the button on the elevator and pull the valve of the tank, releasing the gas. Then gets caught on fire by the torch I left in the ground. As that happens the creature throws the sword and almost stops the elevator from going up causing me to be part of the explosion.
“Interesting. This story does make sense. The explosion, the dungeon that is under the house. Everything.” Someone starts to knock on my door. “Who could it be, i'll get it.” said the man told me. When he opens the a police officer comes inside. He looks at the man and shoots him on the head. Then looks me and morphs into the creature.
“Accept your fate.”

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