Chapter 1 the man | Teen Ink

Chapter 1 the man

May 20, 2016
By Brooklynn.S.B BRONZE, Colorado Springs, Colorado
Brooklynn.S.B BRONZE, Colorado Springs, Colorado
3 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Chapter One: The Man
      “Ring Ring” the telephone says, as I crawl towards it. I hold my blood covered hand over my side hoping that my guts won’t spill out. I stare back at a man on the floor praying that he won’t wake. I can see the bubbling blood path behind my bleeding body. I keep on trying to get to the phone fast enough to answer while trying to not wake the sleeping man. “Ring Ring.” The phone stops and I try to go faster and faster and faster but before I know it the man is looking over me. The black shadow over my body thinking that I don’t know he is there. I try to get up and run but the man suddenly kicks me where my thick, red blood is gushing from. I scream for help but no one comes.

        Earlier that month, “Chu Ching” goes the register while I pull out my red debit card. “Would you like cash back” says the register lady with her Country Side accent. “No” I say under my breath “What was that baby doll?” I yell loudly “No” and the whole store stares at me. I quickly grab my bag and card and then leave. I get in my car and start to drive.

      “Honk Honk.” roars the truck as glass flies throw my window and the world goes dark. “Llo ello can you hear me” says the faint voice near as the person shines a bright light in my eye. I try to talk but my neck is in a cast. “Are you Luisa?” I try to nod my head yes. “I am Dr. Francis and you had a pretty bad car accident.” “You will be in hospital for a long time ok? You have to heal and that will take a long time blah blah blah blah blah.” I can’t focus on anything that he says I just stare at the x-rays behind him.

       The red marks all over my bones and the broken bones terrifies me and I can’t even look and I turn away. Around a month late I am let out of the hospital and the doctors had a policeman escort me home because I was in shock of what happened and they don’t want me to have a panic attack from driving. The noise of all of the cars around me is making me light headed and makes me want to lay down but I can’t because I’m in a car. The policeman gets a call on his walky-talky and he doesn’t have any time to drop me off at my house so he stops the car and tell me to exit the vehicle and leaves me on the side of the road.

      I pull my thumb hoping that someone will give me a ride. A man in a red truck pulls over to the side of me in the dead of night. I can’t clearly see the man but I know he has brown hair and brown eyes. A faint voice comes through the car window and says “Are you getting in or are you going to just keep on staring at me Huh?” I slowly and quickly get in the car and we drive off “Where are you headed to?” says the man “Apartment 4b on red beat rd.” I replied, we get to my apartment and he walks me up. I look at him click a button and I don’t think he knows that I say him.

      “Oh dear my car shut down can I spend the night over at you house until I get my car fixed?” he says “No you can walk home.” The man walks away and I close my door on him and lock it. I get ready for bed and pray that the man won’t come back. I lay down on my ice cold bed and sleep. Glass breaks, I raise my head up slowly after glass was broken and start to walk towards the frightening sound. I walk down the pitch black hallway. More noises come from the kitchen, “I have a knife and I’m not afraid to hurt you.” I say “No you don’t” replies a voice, yet I recognize that voice and I realize that’s it’s the man that gave me a ride and start to run for my room because it’s the only room with a lock.

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