The Highway | Teen Ink

The Highway

December 4, 2017
By Caillou_25 BRONZE, Sacramento, California
Caillou_25 BRONZE, Sacramento, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Life Doesn't require that we be the best, only try our best."- H.Jackson Brown Jr.

    One chilly night, four young men was coming back from fresno. The driver’s name was tony. And the other three was robert, michael, jerry. They came across a young girl on the side of the road sitting. The four men saw this girl and made a decision that it would be nice to hitch her a ride home. They stopped right next to her and asked her if she wanted a ride home. She replied with an “sure, why not”. She gets into the car and they begin to drive off. When she got into the car, it was complete silence. They begin to ask for her name and for her information, she had said that her name was lily.

A few minutes later they arrive near a gas station. Hungry and thirsty the guys were. They stopped at the gas station and grabs a quick drink and snacks for the two hour drive. They asked the girl if she wanted anything before going and she smiled and replied with an “no”. They begin their two hours ride after that stop.

As they are sitting in the car robert decides to look up at the mirror and sees something odd about the girl. She didn't look like the same in the back seat. He can see the girl smiling at him and half her face was purple and had bloody stains on her outfit. He rubs his eyes and looked again and then it was like it never happened. He thought that he was probably just tired or seeing stuff. So he rubs it off and decided to take a nap. Then awkwardly michael asks “ so, where are you from?”. She smiles and replies with an, “oh I'm from around sacramento.” michael replies, “ oh that's cool, we are too”. They both smiles and laugh.
   After the long drive from fresno, they arrive to her house. They see that the lights inside the house were turned off. And there weren't any sign of light coming from anywhere. The blinds were covered and looked oddly creepy. Then tony asks her “ this is your house right?”she replies “yes, this is my the dark house. They also begin leaving at the same time too. Happily and feeling with confidence that they will get to talk to this girl more. They all went home that night and slept.then when she gets out the car she waves them bye and smiles. Jerry rolls down the window asking if they can come visit her tomorrow or something. She smiled and said “ sure, if you are willing  to come visit me. with and happy thoughts they all said “sure we will”. She then walked inside.

The next day they went to her house and meet her once again. When they arrived to her house, they can see people in there. They thought maybe her family weren't just home yesterday night. They walk up to her house with excitement that they would get to meet this lily girl. Then tony goes and rings the doorbell and an old lady opens the door and asked who they were. They replied with an “ oh yesterday we had dropped your daughter off and just wanted to come meet her again”. She replies “ um.. Sure, come on in boys.” as they walk into the house. They feel this cold breeze just hitting them one by one.

As they all enter into the living room. They can see all her siblings running around. But lily was nowhere to be seen. They see a picture of lily and her siblings on the wall. Then the grandma asks them “so who are you boys?” and with a confused face. “ and which daughter did you guys dropped off yesterday?” they looked and pointed at lily in the picture and said “ we dropped lily off yesterday, and asked if we could visit her today.” the grandma jaws drops and with a confused and concerned face. She replies “ uhm.. I think you have mistaken with one my daughters. They all looked at each other with a confused face and says “we are pretty sure that it was lily we dropped off.” confused and concern, she replies, “ oh.. Well thank you for dropping her off for us.”

The grandma assists them to step outside so she could talk to them in concern. They all begin to walk out the door with the most confused face ever. Looking around the house where lily was nowhere to be seen. Then the grandma asks them. “ so are you boys sure you guys saw that girl in the picture?” they replied with an “yes, we are pretty sure that was her”. She replies “ she has passed away for 2 years now.” with shocks on there faces, the chills begins rushing into their flesh. They all had goose bumps and looked at each other. They said to the grandma “ are you sure lily is certainly dead?” knowing how scared they were now. She replies “ no like I said, she has passed away two years ago, she died where you guys picked her up.” with concern she politely asked them to go home and never come back anymore knowing they were scared to death. Knowing that lily passed away. They were scared and creeped out that just last night they just took her home.Then they begin to walk away and begin to get in the car. Robert looks at the window and can see her standing there waving at him and smiling. He freaks out and rubs his eyes and she was nowhere to be seen. He quickly ask them to just hurry up and to go home. So they begin to all head home with chills within them. They then all got home safe and sound. They never took another step to her house anymore.

The author's comments:

This article inspired me becuase it was based on a true story.

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