Murder in the Night | Teen Ink

Murder in the Night

March 2, 2018
By shingming BRONZE, High Point, North Carolina
shingming BRONZE, High Point, North Carolina
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Cold was the night of January 5, 2018. Mr. London was hosting his annual winter party in his 5 story Victorain mansion. He had invited people from all around, friends and family.Everyone came into his house so cheerfully as they were being greeted in. The party was going swell when Mr. London said that his head hurt so he went upstairs to go lay down. Mr. London had been upstairs for a while and so his son went to check on him. What he saw has so grave, so horrible, he instantly fell on the floor and cried.His farther had been stabbed through the heart. They called 911 quickly and they tried to get over as fast as they could. They found him dead in a pool of blood. They were all asking themselves the same question, who was the killer? They searched hard for evidence but found nothing but the knife. It is said that the killer was still in that house that night. After that night, it had earned a name,"The Stalker". As locals tell it, he's still looking for more victims, still killing.

The author's comments:

I like it :)

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