All Coming To An End | Teen Ink

All Coming To An End

June 10, 2022
By Anonymous

School is almost over, there are a couple weeks left. It's finally time to take a deep summer breath and go back into the habit of waking up late, and doing nothing but hanging out with friends and family on the beach and enjoying the hot sun. I miss that end of the year feeling, that little bit of stress because of tests but the relief that it's all almost over. That feeling couldn't be any better. 

Looking back, I realized how much I learned in school and outside of school. I think I mentally grew twice as much from the beginning of the year. You don't realize how quickly time flies by until this time of the year. It's all one big cloud of memories at this point, the whole year is blending together to being little memories in a big cloud. 

I can't even count the amount of times I said, “This week is going by so slowwww.” That week might have felt long at that moment, but to be honest it wasn't too long, I'm always over-exaggerating stuff like this. Between the things I learned in school and the things I enjoyed outside of school this year, it felt like this one school year was maybe 5 years long. Even though I complained tons about how long the year was, now I'm thinking it wasn't bad, it could have been longer.   

I can't believe I'm able to say school is almost over. This year went by way too quickly, looking back I couldn't even imagine how quick it was, it's like I snapped my fingers and there, it's done. In a blink of an eye, I'm already going to be a junior, when did that happen? It felt like yesterday when I was graduating Middle School and so excited to go into High School. 

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