“A Private Matter of Public Concern” Response | Teen Ink

“A Private Matter of Public Concern” Response

January 12, 2011
By Anonymous

I believe that what happened to Tyler Clementi was a hate crime because it was a horrible act against his sexuality. The FBI’s website on hate crimes states, “A hate crime is a traditional offense like murder, arson, or vandalism with an added element of bias.” This corresponds with Tyler’s situation. While Tyler’s roommate was trying to play a practical joke, He was also insulting his sexual difference. This type of hate crime is not always strictly enforced; however, the FBI is trying to tackle the situation. For example, the FBI’s website states, “In 2009, the passage of new law---the first significant expansion of federal criminal civil rights since the mid- 1990s---gave the federal government the authority to prosecute violent hate crimes, including violence and attempted violence directed at the gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender community, to the fullest extent of its jurisdiction.” The fact that the FBI is aware of these hate crimes is fantastic. Punishment must be enforced for these awful crimes, and I believe that 5 to 10 years in jail would suffice.

As individuals, we can prevent there terrible crimes, and we can start by creating stricter rules. Kathleen Parker states, “When others are victimized by another’s lack of scruples, be outraged.” Parkers ideas are right on point and if everyone follows her model we can stop hate crimes. She also says, “Point a finger. Yell “no more”.” If everyone fights hate crimes together the world would be a better place.

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