Popularity | Teen Ink


April 1, 2013
By Megs101 SILVER, Carrollton, Texas
Megs101 SILVER, Carrollton, Texas
9 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Some people think popularity is all about the clicks. They think the being popular, you also need to have the best clothes, the best boyfriends, being able to start a trend, and having a lot of friends! That is how tons of people see it! In my opinion popularity is about having a great attitude, being friends with everyone, doing great in school, caring about others, and most of all being the best person you can be! In most schools the popular people are usually the cheerleaders, jocks, and people who look the hottest. Those kind of people usually think that they can be in charge of everyone and get whatever they want. I personally don't think that's right, it's not fair to everyone else. Everyone should be popular in their own way. Even if they're not a cheerleader or a jock. If you think your not popular, you are popular in your own way.

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