Trash Talk? | Teen Ink

Trash Talk?

January 12, 2013
By vudoo781 BRONZE, Allston, Massachusetts
vudoo781 BRONZE, Allston, Massachusetts
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Life is cruel
Society too
Try to be cool
Try to be you
You’re called a slut
Or called a ho
Called a mutt
And away you go
You’re not playing
Their jaws are dropping
Don’t matter what they saying
You get to stopping
They’re just clowns
So shut up and fight
Beat them down
You’re out of sight
They’re just jerks
With nothing to show
We got perks
And now they know
They’re not tough
They’re just weak
We’ve had enough
You fell from the peak
We’re very serious
Live or die, it’s your call
Words can be dangerous
They became your downfall

The author's comments:
Sometimes you get bullied, and then they push your buttons a little to much, causing you to lash back, whether physically or verbally, but you lower yourself to their level, and you, too, become a bully

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