do we deserve it | Teen Ink

do we deserve it

January 7, 2013
By roshelle BRONZE, San Jacinto, California
roshelle BRONZE, San Jacinto, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Do we deserve it?

“We accept the love we think we deserve” That is a quote from The Perks of Being a Wall Flower written by Stephen Chbosk, I heard this and all I could think of is why? Why don’t we seek the love others have or the love we see in movies? I don’t know if this quote applies to, but I feel that most people accept being in unhealthy relationships because they think they deserve it.
I think I deserve a nice healthy relationship, so why would people think they deserve to be in anything but a happy loving relationship? I can’t understand why, can someone please tell me because I’m really confused. Growing up do people really think they deserve a spouse or partner who would abuse them? What would have to happen in their life to really think they deserve that? I can’t think of any reasons, because I don’t believe there are any reasons of why someone shouldn’t desire the best there possible is.
I think that we should all just take a moment and think, “What do we deserve?” Not only should we ask ourselves but ask others, “Do you deserve it?” if they answer that
question with yes or a maybe, then they need to see someone or something, because no one deserves anything like that.

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