Head Held High | Teen Ink

Head Held High

January 12, 2013
By snewell23 SILVER, Baltimore, Maryland
snewell23 SILVER, Baltimore, Maryland
5 articles 1 photo 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Everyone is weird. There are just some people who like to pretend they're normal" -The Fred Movie
"I love my mother, but the love of my spot is much greater" -The Big Bang Theory

Some people ask what a bully is. The dictionary definition of "bully" is a blustering, quarrelsome, overbearing person who habitually badgers and intimidates smaller or weaker people. Although this is technically what a bully is, it doesn't state the actual humiliation and belittlement that they make you feel. You have to walk with your head down in the hallways, praying that you won't get noticed by that jock or mean girl. You sit in the back corner of the class to avoid all contact with anyone just to eliminate any embarrassment. You sit alone at lunch because once in kindergarten that boy pointed out that you eat funny. You cringe every time you think about that one day the most popular, cutest guy in middle school called you a nerd in front of the entire math class, making even the teacher laugh. You cry every time you think about how everyday you are called ugly, fat, giant, four-eyes, or other stupid name to try and bring you down. You try and talk to your parents about it, but they're no help. They just say that you're perfect the way you are. Then you try and go to your best friend but she just tells the whole world about how you feel. Then you're alone. It has to be the worst feeling ever, loneliness. Not the "forever alone" crap seen on Facebook and twitter. But the real life feeling of total emptiness. Then you just see that news story about how this one girl was bullied to death, realizing that she was just like you. She just didn't have the strength to move on, but you understand how she feels. Then you start to think, I will be better than this. I will show the world how it doesn't have to come to this. So you go into school the next day with your head held high.

The author's comments:
I wrote this one a day I was feeling really down and I was feeling really crappy about myself. I hope this helps you guys to keep your head held high.

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