Enough is Enough. Two Years of a New Kid | Teen Ink

Enough is Enough. Two Years of a New Kid

January 13, 2013
By Gillum22 BRONZE, Topeka, Kansas
Gillum22 BRONZE, Topeka, Kansas
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Faith Without Work Is Dead.

When I was in the fourth grade, I had left behind all my friends. I went to a new school. I was a totally new kid. I knew no one. It surprised me that no one took the time to know me either. I was in this one class where every single girl was against me. Every day I would come to class, I was tripped and talked about. They would steal things out of my desk. They would get in my face and snap their fingers. Then one girl decided that she was bored with it. Turns out she was jealous of my hair.

The author's comments:
In the fifth grade, it got worse. It was the same girls. They tried luring me to the playground to beat me up. I would go home and cry asking my mom why? Until one day I went to the principal and the counselor. There was 5 girls against just me and even then it didn't stop. I got up to a point where I wanted to change teachers. When I did the teacher grabbed me and hugged me and whatever happened from then it
never happened again. My teacher stopped it all from happening.

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