Behing the Mask | Teen Ink

Behing the Mask

January 13, 2013
By GigglyLove1995 BRONZE, Marion, Ohio
GigglyLove1995 BRONZE, Marion, Ohio
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Sitting in Tech Math, with the only two people I talk to - Caleb and Bridget. You do not see what you say actually affects person inside and out. Here’s one of my many stories. This has been going on all year long, and it will never stop. I am one of many who go through this but I do not show it hurts me.

It was a normal day for me, happy and giggly like I always am. I sit behind Bridget and next to Caleb in Math. We always make jokes and have a good time. Although, it never seems to happy like that. While I was sitting there taking notes, I looked up at Caleb and he was making a funny face. Adrienne, another girl in the class, looks back at me and turns to her friend, Jessica, and made a really rude statement. Adrienne said, “Eww, her laugh is so annoying, she sounds like a dead hyena. She needs to go back to Tri-Rivers.” I did not say anything back, but I turned and looked at Caleb. Hoping for answers, explaining why they are so rude but I got nothing. I turned back and finished taking my notes. Adrienne and Jessica kept going with their rude and insensitive comments. Mrs. Thrasher, my teacher, gave them incentives if they choose not to stop, that did not stop them. Than Trey, Adrienne’s brother, joined in on the conversation. His comments not nearly as bad as the girls, but they still hit deep.

As class, and their comments went on, I tried to pay no attention to them, but Caleb could tell it was bothering me. Out of nowhere, Jessica says, “She is such a whore. I don’t see why anybody talks to her.” Bridget and Caleb looked at me and the only thing I say back to them is, “It does not bother me, I am not going to stoop to their level and get mixed up in all the drama.” Although, deep inside it does bother me, because I was friends with Adrienne until she met Jessica. I have never met Jessica until this year in Math class, which confused me a lot. The things people spread about a person do hurt and affect them in many ways and in many places. Although, I want stick up for myself, I am a senior with a promising future, but the drama is not worth it. The more you instigate the problem, the worse it gets and the more people get involved.

I am Kristina, and since I started high school, I have been subjected to bullying, no matter what it will never stop.

The author's comments:
I am Kristina, and since I started high school, I have been subjected to bullying, no matter what it will never stop.

This is just one day out of four years, that I have endured. I have never told anyone except my boyfriend, that I have been with throughout high school. This has affected me in multiply ways. This leads to depression, stress, cutting, drugs/alcohol/smoking, disorders and death. I have tried it all and done it all. I know how it is to live with this kind of burden everyday of your life.

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