All alone | Teen Ink

All alone

January 14, 2013
By Anonymous

She was honestly just your typical teenage girl. She wanted to have fun, She wanted to have a great sense of style just like the other teenagers in her grade, but most of all...She wanted a friend. She was different. There was no doubt about it. She had a huge scar on her face, she was into drawing fallen angels more than she was into speaking to teens her age. She was different.

No one liked her. They would pick on her, call her names. They call her things like "Fat", "Scarface", "Harry Potter's daughter", "Obese skank". Even though she was only about 15 pounds over the normal weight of the average teenage girl her age. She always stood quiet, let people toss her around like a rag doll that has been dragged in the dirt, torn by the vicious cat, used, worn down. She went to school everyday emotionally drained. She began getting in the habbit of cutting herself. She cut herself over 50 times at the most.
It took her over 20 minutes to stop the bleeding. She went to school with ace bandages wrapped around her arms, and she wore long sleeve shirts every day. Not matter the heat. No matter how bad she wanted to
wear a tank top, she never did. She was too insecure.
To this day she slits her wrists, wants to die.

But one thing you can never take away from her is her ambition for a brighter future.

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