No More Pain | Teen Ink

No More Pain

January 27, 2013
By RenaeSadie96 DIAMOND, Haverhill, Massachusetts
RenaeSadie96 DIAMOND, Haverhill, Massachusetts
58 articles 1 photo 15 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Don't waste time thinking about what could've been."

It was only supposed to be another high.
It wasn’t supposed to go this far,
I wasn’t supposed to die.
I’m so sorry momma,
Please don’t cry.
I’m gone now,
No more pain.
I tired so hard,
But my addiction pulled at my sleeve-
Always whispered my name.
But it’s going to be okay.
Like so many people yesterday,
You’ll soon forget all about your
“Problem child” someday.
But, given the chance,
I might’ve chose another way
Because I still had the rest of my life to live-
For, it was only supposed to be another high.
It wasn’t supposed to go this far,
I wasn’t supposed to die.
I’m so sorry momma…

The author's comments:
I've written a lot of poems...hundreds...and though many of them were created with tears pouring from my eyes, only a few of them bring the tears back when I re-read them. This is one of them.

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