iv got a story! Teenage bullying has got to stop! | Teen Ink

iv got a story! Teenage bullying has got to stop!

March 5, 2013
By Anonymous

I am a 13 years old girl and I’m like any ordinary teenager, with one difference I get bullied. Many people in Britain are slagged off for being a different race, disabled or have ginger hair.

I want to make a difference to today’s young people. It’s not right to make someone suffer just because they’re different , just because they can’t afford the luxuries that others can. It’s not right for people to cut or to take their life just because some selfish boy/girl calls them names or hits them or looks at them like pieces of rubbish.

When I was in primary school I was always alone. I didn’t have many friends and the one I did have wasn’t the ideal friend, but he did come to my rescue when I was upset. In primary school I used to hide my feelings from people so that I wouldn’t get made fun of, I used to lie to make people like me and I used to cry myself to sleep every night. I felt like I couldn’t tell anyone about it, as all I thought I was, was what they were telling me that I was, a fat ugly piece of garbage that nobody liked - never mind loved. I hated myself, I hated them. So I kept it to myself, It got worse and worse till one day I just cracked. I screamed until my throat was dry then I cried then I told my best friend that I was going to kill myself and that I hated everyone for doing this to me.

For a 10 year old girl with problems, I had hit rock bottom I hated myself so much that I wished I was dead.

What I’m getting at is that if you are the same as me if you get bullied please, please don’t hold it in you are beautiful, you talented you are special you are young and never forget that. My best friend helped me he still does. I still get bullied especially by one boy in my class, but I try to ignore it I’m better than him in so, so many different ways. Sure I fell like screaming at times but I stop myself just before I do. So please don’t be scared to stand up for yourself, be brave and never let people tell you otherwise, CAUSE YOU’RE AMAZING JUST THE WAY YOU ARE.

So to show people that you aren’t going to back down just because someone tells you you’re fat or that you’re ugly I want you to wear a blue piece of jewellery if you’re a girl and if you’re a boy a blue piece of thread tied around your wrist on the 15th of march . And tell people why you are doing this. Tell people that bullying has GOT TO STOP it’s gone too far now and shouldn’t go further.

Ps, always tell an adult even if it is only a small thing, please do it for people who have lost someone through bullying, do it for me, do it for yourself cause your AMAZING IN EVERY SINGLE WAY.

Please could you print this. It would mean the world to me, please.

Yours sincerely

Song Girl. x

The author's comments:
this is a subject that touches my hart and i hope it touches yours bullying is not something you hear about on the tv and think its ok its not anybody i know, its something in your everyday life even if you dont relize it.

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