What pains me | Teen Ink

What pains me

March 5, 2013
By NateGonzo BRONZE, Edmonds, Washington
NateGonzo BRONZE, Edmonds, Washington
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
The man who fears yet steps up to the challenge, has more courage than the man that fears nothing.

What pains me is seeing a little boy or a little girl go through so much pain and hurt,
By the bully in the hallway they have to pass by, getting bruises on their arms only to justify.. His actions
What pains me is seeing so many things being done wrong and not a single person pauses to say stop,
While the people getting kicked on the ground trying to smile as they get popped.
What pains me is seeing my brothers and my sisters fighting one another for a color... Red? Blue? Why does that matter?
I see everyday the pain in some one's eyes and me not being able to do a damn thing about it. 
Feeling hopeless and weak while that person would just like to shout it... How does that make you feel?
Getting asked these questions by a man or a woman who clearly doesn't give a damn about you but just the money that gets into their pocket...
Lean on me when you need a friend, I can't promise that I will understand but at least you'll have someone to care about you. 
What pains me is seeing a little boy or girl go through so much pain from the society that's around them..
Will you speak out, will you just stop and listen... Because if you haven't noticed, a friend or just someone to talk to could actually save a person's life.
All the little things we seem to forget actually make a huge difference.
That's what pains me..

The author's comments:
I remember when I was bullied in 6th grade. The 8th graders were pretty brutal, and no one wanted to say a word because they feared the bully. Now when ever is see people get bullied, I speak up and talk to them - make them feel like a human being.

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