Good at Heart | Teen Ink

Good at Heart

March 13, 2013
By Ashley Lopez BRONZE, Palm Desert, California
Ashley Lopez BRONZE, Palm Desert, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

According to the National Education Association about 160,000 kids miss school everyday due to the fear of bullies. Bullying has become a big topic in school. When I was younger it wasn’t really talked about. Now as I’m getting older it seems to have grown over the years. Bullying is something that you shouldn’t be experiencing or doing to others.
It’s sad to know that some children are skipping their education just because of the fear of being taunted. These bullies make some lives impossible and that’s just plain wrong. Once on the news, there was a segment on a girl getting bullied and her parents allowing her to get plastic surgery. She got her ears pinned back. Parents don’t want to see their kids suffer so they do whatever they can to stop the harassment. I always think that when a child gets bullied, so do the parents because the parents can’t do a lot to stop the bullying. It makes a parent feel bad.
A bully to me is a person who has either gotten bullied themselves or a person who is raised that way. If a bully is a person who has gotten bullied, they probably feel like they need to do it to somebody else to get their anger out. A person who is raised to be a bully is a kid who sees it around their house or it might even be their own parents who rub the behavior off on their children. We are all born innocent and kind. It’s the way we are raised that changes us.

There are many things that you can do to stop bullying. For example standing up for the person letting them know that they aren’t alone. That’s what the adults think people should do. But it’s not that easy. A lot of kids don’t do that because they believe that if they stand up for what is right they might get bullied themselves. Others are just afraid. Another possibility to end bullying is if you are the victim then to just walk away from the situation. Sure, you can avoid the situation but that won’t make it stop. Personally, the best thing to do is to talk to a teacher or councilor to see what the victim can do. Maybe join clubs where the victims can meet new people and make friends and not feel lonely.
Bullying doesn’t just happen in the United States. It happens all over the world. It really hurts me when I see a story online or on the television of a person who is different getting bullied. It’s worse for those victims and its really heart breaking. Although bullies might seem big, tough, and mean, we don’t really know the story of why they are the way they are. So others should not judge the bullies either. There’s always a reason for the way you are. “Despite everything, I believe that people are really good at heart.” –Anne Frank.

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