Teen Suicide | Teen Ink

Teen Suicide

March 20, 2013
By ashley allen BRONZE, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
ashley allen BRONZE, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Have you ever felt like you couldn’t live anymore, that your life was a complete disaster and you have no one to bring you up from where you’ve falling? Well I think that can be solved if only teenagers didn’t bully others just by a look. I think we’d have more friendships and less death.

I Bianca Lopez was only 14, my birthday was the next week but I wasn’t looking forward to it at all. I was done. Today was the day I was going to make a decision I never made in my life. Coming to school everyday and being critized for something that wasn’t true destroyed me everyday more and more. I remember going home that evening…. Grabbing a very sharp item thinking what was I doing? I was really going to end my life that instant… I do remember going to school that morning and seeing Jennifer. She was most definitely one of girls that just loved looking at each and every one of my defects and not seeing the positive. But on the other hand there was Selena who was always there for me when I needed her, a girl who always gave me advice on everything and told that no matter what I had done in life to never give up. Not to show how low I felt, to show that I was a bigger person and that not anything would ever move me from where I stood. But the most important thing is that not every teen accepts criticism in a great way. The fact of the matter is that bullying sooner or later can always lead to death.

When bullying stops there will be more friendship. Bullying is the cause the ending of many friendships. For example I personally have many friends, not as much as I did before though. One of the main reasons for not having as much friends as I used to is because of bullying. A lot of my classmates or ex friends would for the most part embarrass me a lot of the time we were together. They would make comments about either the way I looked or dressed in a negative way. That led me to believing that the friends I had just talked to me perhaps for their own benefits. That also caused me to push them away from me and become an independent girl, a girl who doesn’t trust anyone and depends on no one but herself. That’s one of the main reasons in why I believe that bullying is a huge cause in why a lot of friendships are broken today and why new ones haven’t been made.

If we don’t stop bullying it’s a fact that more suicides and deaths will occur. For example I read about girl named Phoebe Prince who was 15 years old, and a freshman a South Hadley in Western Massachusetts. She was a beautiful young teen who experienced bullying constantly in her high school, what her parents didn’t imagine was that Phoebe had a negative idea and that the bullying was going to lead to something even more tragic. Phoebe experienced physical, emotional bullying, stationary rape, violation of civil rights with bodily injury, harassment, stalking and disturbing a school assembly. Ashlee Dunn, a 16 year old sophomore said “she had not known Prince personally but had heard stories spread about her in the hallways”. This is a big problem in high schools because when teens of ages 13-18 judge without knowing the person most of the time that puts more pressure on them and that causes them to do things they would’ve never thought of doing. The most horrible thing was that the bullying, harassment, violation etc. led Phoebe to committing suicide by hanging herself. This shows how Phoebe horribly suffered throughout her freshman year.

It’s extremely heartbreaking to see that teens can cause another teen to commit suicide. If we were more mature we would put in the effort and try to at least bring each other’s self esteem up and make each other feel special. Maybe, just maybe, if teenagers weren’t so judgmental and negative we’d have more teens alive today.

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on Mar. 25 2013 at 11:58 am
sweetangel4life GOLD, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
19 articles 0 photos 85 comments

Favorite Quote:
"What's in a name? That which we call a rose by any other name would smell as sweet". Romeo and Juliet ( Quote Act II, Sc. II).

"Let them eat cake."
Marie Antoinette

i couldnt have said it better. well said. well written. amen sister.