Easier Huh!? | Teen Ink

Easier Huh!?

April 13, 2013
By nugnug BRONZE, Los Angeles, California
nugnug BRONZE, Los Angeles, California
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Without music, life would be a mistake.

Friedrich Nietzsch

Why is it that Parents nowadays complain on how much life is easier for us no doubt and no worry is what they think if only life was like that then maybe our lives would be so much easier. With the information highway known as the internet personal information can be shared across the world in seconds. Now I know what your thinking what would someone who is half across the country or half across the world care. Thing is they do not care who you are they just get want to get there jolly kicks from your blunders. One misstep and a willing pedestrian with a camera can make you get on the ten o’clock news segment..

They say a rumor lasts 60 days but now it can become eternal. YouTube, Facebook, Tumblr, Twitter, or any social network can publicize your secrets although not willingly by your own conscience you may write something that you later regret or someone decides to share your dirty little secrets all across the globe with one little click. This has happened to me personally were everyone assumed something instead of asking me directly. People thought the worst in many different ways .

Its not easy proving a rumor false when everyone gossips about it and adds to it eventually there is as many different versions as there are languages and each being worse than the last. Truth can hurt us but lies can cripple us”sticks and stones may break our bones but words can never hurt me” try telling your kid that while there wailing and shrieking under the table.

The author's comments:
Bulling is another word for torturing

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