Feel Me | Teen Ink

Feel Me

May 30, 2013
By DejaVu323 BRONZE, Clearwater, Florida
DejaVu323 BRONZE, Clearwater, Florida
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Stay true to yourself, because your self is the only thing that you know as truth

If you don’t try to fit in
Your peers will begin
To glare at you
With eyes that say you are diseased and disgusting
If everyone could feel what hurt my soul
If one person could see life through my eyes
They wouldn’t have lasted this long
Life would have exasperated them a long time ago
The strength I withhold simply saturates any number of pounds you can lift
My mentality can override any Politician's act
Fear, I lack
I’m a target because I’m black
A target on my back
A reason for anyone to attack
And they do
So crude
Not knowing what others are going through
Just because you have mommy and daddy issues
Just because your psychological capacity is overriding its
Too close to feel pain
People so close can’t feel my pain
Because they will never be in my skin
Never know what it is like to be over a size 10
And I’m barely older than 10
The feeling of being exiled from my peers
Resonates with me today,
Still makes me feel some pain
The greater thing is that I’m stronger in today
Hope has made me Pray
And I know I’m on the break
I’ve stayed consistent from the first day-
I looked in the mirror and knew my weight
Saw my imperfections
I refused to stand by, and become a statistic
Suicide was never an option
Proving people wrong was my only choice and my final decision

The author's comments:
In middle school I was bullied being plus-sized, fat, overweight- or whatever you want to call it, is difficult, it hurts, and there is no one who genuinely understands, but I do and I am still very vulnerable to this type of bullying so, this is why I wrote this poem.

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This article has 1 comment.

LBoggie said...
on Jun. 1 2013 at 11:15 am
Deja, this piece is precious!  As your mom it hurts to know you feel this way inside, on the flip side your expression shows that you are stronger than the weak and you will persevere throught it all.  This piece will be an inspiration to many others like you if they get the opportunity to read this and "feel you":  Stay positive and remember I love you and will ALWAYS have you back... and yes "I feel you!"  Excellent Encouragement.. Love, Mom