Don't Be Afraid | Teen Ink

Don't Be Afraid

June 7, 2013
By Anonymous

You look at all of the other social groups that exist. You ask yourself, "Where do I fit? Which one should I try to act like?" You want an answer to that question? None. Be yourself! Don't be afraid of who you are, what you like to do, and what you believe in. Don't let anyone bring your happiness down just because of words. The best thing to do in a war of words is to walk away with your head up, standing proudly and smiling wide. That will let the bullies know that you are proud of who you are. Don't change yourself to make someone like you. If people don't like you the way you are, chances are, then they're not right for you. No one in this world should make you change for themselves. You should change if YOU feel like you need to. Let go of ones who seem like they don't like anything you do. Have fun being yourself!

The author's comments:
I wrote this because I realized that I, and other people around, were trying to change to fit in with the "cool crowd". One day, I said, "That's it. No more changing, If they (the cool kids) don't like me, then oh well. I'm happy with myself, and that's what matters.

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