The End | Teen Ink

The End

June 17, 2013
By archie61 BRONZE, New York, New York
archie61 BRONZE, New York, New York
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Close your eyes
To get away from this madness
We call life
Find a place where there's bliss
Release your mind
Because you can't figure it out
If you're still holding onto yesterday's sorrow

In the night
You get restless sleep
Because you can't deny
And you can't let in your dreams
You let them pass you by
As you lie in the dark
Wondering when. If it's possible
To go back to the start

You've got to know
You can't change, your life through your head
You've got to get up and make the change, you want in the end
If things ain't right
Why should you just
Be surviving
Don't you want a happy ending
You've got to write
The end of your story

Blame and guilt
They torture you every day
They make you relive every one of your mistakes
What you don't understand
Is that the lies that they spread
Are just meant to knock you down

You become paralyzed
By the things you thought that you did
But You just never see
How wrong your mind has been
If you'd care to look behind your veil of uncertainty
You just might find out what the truth really is

You've got to know
That's your life, that you mess up every day
When you look in the mirror
And you scream at that face
It's the face that you love
And one you love to hate
Stop looking back
And turn away
And at the end of the day
You'll have something more to say
For the end of your story

Look to the skies
See how they cry
The tears have been falling
For a really long time
And as you close your eyes
At the end of the day today
What will you have to say

Did you
See yourself in a different light
Did you let go your inhibitions
And let in the light
When your dreams came by
Did you push them away
Is that what your gonna say
Well at least it's something nice to say

That you saw yourself
in a different light
You let go of your inhibitions
And you gave up the fight
When your dreams came by
You took 'em in, and gave in
And that's what you're gonna say
well at least it's something nice to say

If your gonna say anything
Then that's what you should say
And you'll get through your hardest days
You''ll write the end of your story today

The author's comments:
Many tags can be applied to this. Its message can be taken in different ways, and it all depends on the reader. To me, what's interesting about this song is that it came from one of the darkest places inside of me, but it's what gave me hope.

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