Because of What You Said | Teen Ink

Because of What You Said

June 24, 2013
By marshamonel BRONZE, Hillside, New Jersey
marshamonel BRONZE, Hillside, New Jersey
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Saying, 'I notice you're a nerd' is like saying, 'Hey, I notice you'd rather be intelligent than stupid, that you'd rather be thoughtful than vapid, that you believe there are more important things out there than the arrest record of Lindsay Lohan.'"

You ask me
You ask me why I am sad
Why I am the epitome of sensitivity

And I say

In my head words f




They used to spin
Oh yes, they used to spin like a tornado
Reaching a wind speed over 300 miles per hour

It would pick up each and every cell in my brain if any
That had even a speck of a desire to answer your question

The tornado is gone
Because your words no longer matter
They were



just wrong
Now my mind just has floating debris...

floating words...

"Attention Seeker"

And now I let them crash
I let them crash to the surface of my brain
And I dis in te grate them with my strength

with the knowledge that
No, I am not perfect, but I am alright
I am an alright person

Because of what you said
I will not speak


Your words

Your words were

Oh, look what you have done
I am even stammering in my own mind

Your words were hurtful

But I will get over it
I will soon be strong again
Strong like that tornado you incited

Except in my case, I will not harm
I will pick you up
And gently swirl you around
And then set you on the ground
And I will walk away
I will let you think

Because of what you said
I know that you have been hurt, too

Do not ask me why I am sad
Answer your own question
Why are you

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