Angel | Teen Ink


July 10, 2013
By JazBaker BRONZE, Cleveland, Ohio
JazBaker BRONZE, Cleveland, Ohio
2 articles 1 photo 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Six billion people. Just one name. I found tomorrow in today. Apocalyptic and insane. My dreams will never change." -Jared Leto 'Edge of the Earth'

When I stare in the mirror, all I can see is your laughing face.
Is that all I'm worth...?
When I wake up in the morning, I wish I could dream forever.
I dream of a nonexistent birth.
There's a tree outside of my window,
the only one who waves at me. His bark matches my scars,
Is that the only part of me you can see?
I am an angel in my own mind.
Every night I fly high.
I am not pulled down, stressed by you,
and I feel so...alive.
I stand with a rock facing me and
I can't push through.
Why do you torture me?
It's all I can do.
Nothing is ever good enough and my heart dies with every word
Can't you see...?
I am angel in my own mind.
Every night I fly high.
I am not pulled down, stressed out by you,
and I feel so...alive.
I am angel in my own.
Every night I fly high.
I am not pulled down, stressed out by you
and I feel so...alive.
Break me down and tell me now
how much better you are
Show me your wrath and lash out at me
point at my scars
because tomorrow, I'm gonna set myself free.
I am angel in my own mind.
Every night, I fly high.
I am not pulled down, stressed out by you
and I feel so...alive.

The author's comments:
Every one is an angel and some of us don't know that because of words that other people say. But that doesn't matter because we have the power to fly away and no one can take that from us.

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