Real sadness | Teen Ink

Real sadness

July 30, 2013
By Anonymous

Real sadness isn't just crying a few times
It's not being discouraged
Or hurt
Real sadness is more than that.
It's when something breaks you. It hits you, it beats you, it tears you apart, and it terrifies you like a drunken father. It's the kind of crying that doesn't make you feel better after. You feel tired. You feel alone. You hide behind your smiles and you hide in the bathroom so they won't see you crying. Real sadness is when you scream and scream as if you can't take another drop of guilt. It's when you cry for so long you feel like you could never stop until you eventually fall asleep and wake up with wet cheeks. Real sadness is when you honestly have to ask yourself if it will ever end. All you need is for someone to care enough to pull you up and understand that you are broken and you are hiding and those people have destroyed you, and you just need that person to not care how messed up you are and you just need them to be there. But sometimes, with real sadness, you'll still be broken and you'll still be afraid, but you can't afford to do that anymore. Because even though no one cares, you just have to drag yourself through it. Because once sadness is real, it's hard to lose it.

It becomes more than a feeling.

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