The Gay Guy | Teen Ink

The Gay Guy

July 31, 2013
By SweetAutumnBreeze BRONZE, Toronto, Other
SweetAutumnBreeze BRONZE, Toronto, Other
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

"He's the gay guy" - it echoes down halls,

Eyes seek his face as he turns to the wall,

He wants to escape, curl into a ball,

With the label he's got, it's hard to stand tall,

He's about to fall.

He's "the gay guy" - they think stereotypically,

Sweet, girly, fashionistic, good-looking,

Weak, a wuss, easily bullied,

They've labeled him victim, coward, enemy,

Taken his liberty.

He's the gay guy - and he knows it, too,

He's thought it through and knows it's true,

It's the only thing people see in him,

So they turn him away without bothering to listen,

He disgusts them.

He's the gay guy - it's a poisonous thought,

Combined with prejudice, leaves one distraught,

Endless pursuit, ever persecute,

Die from inside, nowhere left to hide,

Sought by vicious lies.

He's the gay guy - insult or identity?

What in the world does this word mean?

Not just definition - what counts is opinion,

What people think; commendation, opposition,

Their disposition.

He's the gay guy - alone in this fight,

Surrounded, deserted, left to die,

So die he does, full of hate and self-loathing,

Tired of praying and waiting and hoping,

Just coping.

"He Was the Gay Guy" - it's out on the news,

The tragedy of a boy terribly abused,

They saw the results - bruises from fists,

Verbal batter led knives to kiss

Beautiful skin, leaving slices and nicks,

And two clean cuts across his wrists.

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