What you don't know | Teen Ink

What you don't know

August 11, 2013
By Anonymous

“Hey freak, where did you get those?” She tried to hide her wrist with her extra-long sleeve, but it was too late the girls saw them and now she’d have to listen to them taunt her about this as well.
“Nothing,” the girl mumbles pulling her sleeve down and putting her arms behind her back, but the leader of the pack grabbed her arm pulled up the sleeve showing all of the marks on her arm. The mean girl didn’t know that she was contemplating suicide figuring that no one would miss her, taking a blade to her skin was the only way to subdue the impulses. “Look guys, I think this freak is cutting herself! This is too rich, well hun let me tell you something now if you want to off yourself go on ahead and do so no one’s going to miss you anyway.” She threw the girls arm down like touching her burned.
“Look you may have a low self-esteem and need to put people down like that but you have no idea how serious it is when a person is cutting themselves.” A disembodied voice said, pushing its way through the crowd that had gathered. “When she has to deal with this everyday and no one’s standing up for her and you have no idea what she’s going through at home so why don’t you just back off.” The mean girl stood slightly speechless wondering why someone would stand up for this freak. Instead of walking away like she thought he would the boy that stood up for her took her gently by the arm and led her down the hallway. “Why did you stand up for me?” the girl whispered. “Because I was bullied like you and would have killed myself if someone didn’t help me out, tell me that things get better if I just stuck through it so now it’s my turn to return the favor.” The boy smiled kindly before saying, “It really does get better after a while, but cutting yourself and thinking about all the different ways to kill yourself won’t help. If it helps if you tell yourself everyday-all day that things get better because believe me it does.” The boy left without another word leaving the girl speechless.

The author's comments:
this happened to me...wanted people to know that things like this really do happen

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