Depressed? | Teen Ink


September 2, 2013
By Ishanee BRONZE, Mumbai, Other
Ishanee BRONZE, Mumbai, Other
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Be Awesome, because you are.

The road is long and bitter,
There are devils filled with Jealousy,
The frown and glares don't make it better,
But friend, try hard endlessly.

Must you have made a small fault,
and your lie has gone for a toss.
Don't turn back; please don't halt!
And show the past who is the boss.

The past is now a figment
of your own pitiful memories,
Yet, it can't haunt or make you resent,
For it has flown into the breeze.

The breeze won't return, nor those dark days,
And the same is for the future too.
So straighten you back and clear the haze,
And to yourself, be true.

Keep your morals fixed in mind
And a power over your head.
Your true value, you will find,
And not weep in your bed.

For if you fail again-remember,
you're never out of tries.
Things will surely get better,
But be bold to compromise.

See the goal ahead of you,
Watch no one else but the bull's eye.
Then to the world, you will prove
There is nothing in between you and the eye.

Can defeat you then, my friend!
Because the one who finally wins,
Is the one who knows that, for him...

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