The truth about Anna | Teen Ink

The truth about Anna

September 8, 2013
By indian-chick BRONZE, Miramar, Florida
indian-chick BRONZE, Miramar, Florida
3 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
for every action there is an oppisite reaction

A girl was curled up on the bathroom floor her head tucked into her knees and her black hair cascading over her face.Heart-wrenching sobs came from the girl her body shook from anger and melachony. I wanted to approach her and comfort her,but I didn't. I knew who she was.Her name was Anna and she was one of the most intelligent and kindest person I ever met.Anna was eager to help people and always shared her thoughts.Anna was fine until a girl began to pick on her.Anna soon stopped raising her hand in fear that the girl would say something rude.Anna slowly stopped talking to people she literally shut down in a span of a few months.Now she was a social outcast, a pariah no one would talk to her in fear that they would become like her too.A forgotten someone that spent their free time crying on the bathroom floor.Their was a time when this girl was unstoppable but,now she's as fragile as broken china.I snap out of my reverie and begin to wash my hands.After I dry my hands I look both ways and make sure nobody is watching.I slowly walk toward Anna and sit down next to her. I shift my body so it is facing hers and wait for Anna to notice me.Afew moments later she lifts her head and stairs at she opens her mouth and whispers "why,why are you sitting here". I simply look at her and shrug my soldiers.She makes a sound that sounds like dying animal and her body starts shaking uncontrollaby. It takes me a few moments to realize she's laughing.I slowly get up and offer her my hand. She takes it and then proceed to stand next to me still giggling.She suddenly stops laughing and looks at me and give me a ghost of a smile before existing gracefully.I shook my head in amusement even though Anna's spirit was almost broken I was happy to know that she could still smile.The next day when Anna comes to school she looks different more confident and optimistic than usual.I see her calmly approach the girl who broke her.Anna says a few words and leaves.The girl who tormented her looks like she is in shock.Anna spots me watching her and she offers me a smile before walking to her first period.

The author's comments:
a true story

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