Every Word Matters | Teen Ink

Every Word Matters

September 9, 2013
By mikaelasmith_ BRONZE, Hudson, Massachusetts
mikaelasmith_ BRONZE, Hudson, Massachusetts
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
I don't have the courage to believe in nothing. - Alonzo Quijana (Quixote Musical)
Leave no words unspoken & save regrets for the broken. - Mayday Parade

People often don't think before they speak, which can be dangerous to the ones around them. You often hear people say "you don't know what someone is going through at home, so don't judge them" but some people may just pass that by. The truth is, everyone has inner demons; something they can't forget or something they can't even remember but they know had an impact on their life. It's our job as teenage high school students to break past that barrier and welcome all people under our wings, weather they are gay, straight, deaf, hearing, white or black, we need to accept everyone for who they are and not pick them apart an analyze everything they're doing and try to change them. People are created a certain way for a certain reason, they don't chose to be gay, straight, deaf, hearing, white, or black, it's just how they're born. Bullying has become so common that many people just expect it, but that's not what life should be like. Every single person out there has a voice and can stop the bullying or hurt that someone in their community is feeling. What some people don't realize is that bullying doesn't have to be done with words, it can be done with gestures or even body language. Shoving someone in the hallway because you're late to class and they're walking too slow for you may seem like no big deal but that shove might just shove someone over the edge. We all need to open our eyes, ears and hearts to the ones around us to watch, listen and love the ones around us. If you see someone sitting alone at lunch, invite your friends to come join you at that table. Something that simple could change that person's life. All I'm asking is for you to take a look around school or work tomorrow and find that one person that looks like they need someone to reach out to them, and I promise you there will be at least one. Try and put your reputation or pride aside and you could make that person's day simply by asking them to sit with you or even saying hello. Too often people are too caught up in what's going on in their life, but the truth is, our lives are no more important than the person next to you or thousands of miles away. Be the change, help someone in need and I promise, if you have a beating heart, it will make you feel invincible, just as the person you reached out to.

The author's comments:
I have witnessed too many people's feelings being hurt by bullies and I'm determined to put a stop to it.

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