STAND UP | Teen Ink


September 10, 2013
By TravonDHatcher BRONZE, Chicago, Illinois
TravonDHatcher BRONZE, Chicago, Illinois
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"never mistake me for being perfect mistake me for being worth it"

So it was the last day of school and in my neighborhood on the last day of school you get talked about and if you get smart with the bully you get beat up after school. So we were all sitting in mr.aullts class and it was all boys at my table and the bully's came towards me and my table and we knew what was coming for us. As they was walking towards us we was getting prepared for what was about to hit us the biggest bully or should i say the leader of their group hit me with a pencil box and said "you little punk" so i hit him back and he now knew i wasn't scared of him. Then he hit my friend with his hand and didn't stop until he cried and also the teacher was to busy tearing down posters so he wasn't paying any attention. As the bully's were double teaming my friend i thought about the recent speech about bully's they gave us so i grabbed the boys off my friend and said you guys have nothing better to do do you? y'all always want to mess with us cause were smaller then you guys go mess with someone your size they said if i don't shut up i will get it after school so i kept talking cause i wasn't scared of them so i kept talking and talking about how they are big meanies who are scared to mess with people they own size and then they said its okay cause they are gonna catch me after school. So then it was finally 11;30 and it was time to get our grades and go!. So i waited by the door for the bully's to "beat me up" i was very scared but i gad to prove i was tough so when they came out they looked right at me and kept walking not saying nothing to me and not touching me i attended school with them again and they never touched me or bullied me again.

The author's comments:
i hope people never be scared to stand up if you are afraid tell a teacher quietly and tell them keep it secret

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