Are You Proud? | Teen Ink

Are You Proud?

September 11, 2013
By NikkiLuvvsYou SILVER, Newark, Texas
NikkiLuvvsYou SILVER, Newark, Texas
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"I know you too well to say you're perfect, but you'll see, oh my sweet love, you're perfect for me."

-Perfect For Me by Ron Pope

You, you brand me
Your words words, a hot iron
You call me "emo" "freak" "loser"

And your friends, they laugh
at me
they egg you on
so you continue

You tell me to kill myself
That nobody wants me here
Can't you see how much that hurts?

You make fun of my scars, my bleeding wrists
You press harder on the iron
Your fun is at my expense

Look at you, breaking me down
To build yourself up
Are you proud? Are you proud?

You see theese scars?
This one is because of my father, because he left my mother and I.
This one is because of my mother, because she's dying.
And this one is because of my brother, because he's won't stop crying.
And this one is because I am failing school, because I have to work to support my family so I can't do homework.
And theese? These are because of you. These are because you have ruined me.

But do you care? No. You, you only care about your
reputation, your friends, your image
But tell me. How does it feel?
To know. That you have ruined someone.
Are you proud?
You have broken me.
Are you proud?
You have destroyed me.
Are you proud?

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