Human | Teen Ink


September 14, 2013
By Jazzmin Sanchez BRONZE, Houston, Texas
Jazzmin Sanchez BRONZE, Houston, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I am red hair that frames my clay colored face.
I am the words I speak,
Both in vain and in bliss.
I am my thoughts,
For if I am not what I think,
What am I at all?
I am happy when he kisses my shy cheeks,
Summer love that flourished and became acquainted with all seasons.
I am sad when it is cold and
Life's astere's creep upon me
In sleepless periods of darkness.
I am angry when I turn around on my journey of life
To find the ones I considered my closest friends,long gone.
I am not any thought easily fit in a pretentious "140 characters or less" box.
I am not grades determined by a teacher,
Who knows little of my brain's capacity,
Nonetheless the knowledge used to guide me,
Inherited from mistakes.
I am not an invisible Scarlet A burnt on my chest,
By a boy who knew not of the wicked woman Love but,
But rather of her cousin,the human device,Jealousy.

I am everything I am.
I nothing of what I am not.

I am human.

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