To Be Invisible | Teen Ink

To Be Invisible

September 14, 2013
By janae456 BRONZE, Redford, Michigan
janae456 BRONZE, Redford, Michigan
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"I've got a folder full of rejection slips that I keep. Know why? Because those same editors are now calling my agent hoping I'll write a book or novella for them. Things change. A rejection slip today might mean a frantic call to your agent in six
MaryJanice Davidson

They say words don’t hurt
Tell me why every word they say makes me weak
How every word makes me bleed
Slowly I start to believe
The awful things they say
My confidence makes a drastic turn
I start to believe maybe it’s my clothes
Levi’s, Ralph Lauren, Gucci, and Trues’s
The words never stopped so I changed my view
Maybe it’s my hair
Long, Short, Curly, and Straight
The words kept flowing and stayed on repeat
Maybe it’s me
Maybe I shouldn’t be here
So I grabbed the knife and started to think
How this will be reported on the news
Or will it even air
Counted to three
And my mom walked through the door
I started to cry
To be bullied hurts
To be hated hurts
Loneliness hurts

The author's comments:
I realized that bullying never has to do with you. It's the bully who's insecure.
Shay Mitchell
Bullying it needs to stops it hurts rather it's verbal, emotional, physical or cybally

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