Insecure Girl | Teen Ink

Insecure Girl

September 17, 2013
By ShayleenBubbles BRONZE, Neosho, Missouri
ShayleenBubbles BRONZE, Neosho, Missouri
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Favorite Quote:
I haven't failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that don't work.
-Thomas Alva Edison

The girl stood there in front of her house playing with her sisters and friends. She looked so happy. What I didn’t know was that she was so insecure. Those boys that were standing next door to her house were talking to each other I couldn’t see what they were saying. Then the girl ran after the ball that was running away from her. One of the boys took it the laughed as she tried yelling at them so that they would give it back to her. She took the ball and told her sisters and friends what had happened and one of those friends yelled at the boys that friend was 1 year older than her. Her name was Abby. She knew those boys. She yelled at them and they told her to shut up. She was so angry. She went home and the girl that ran after the ball took the ball and went into the house, her sisters followed her. Inside the house, she told her mom what had happened to her outside. Her mom stormed out of the house and yelled at those boys. Then her mom went in the house she was as angry as the friend was. She told her daughter that they weren’t worth getting mad over as she calmed down.
The next day, she went outside to play again with her sisters this time her friend wasn’t with her. She was playing and this time the boy came out to her and yelled” You’re so fat that when you walk the ground shakes.”
She tried not to cry, but it hurt her so bad. She went inside with her sisters following her again. She went inside to her mom. Her mom yelled at them again. This time was different because this time she went to bed crying. She took what those boys said into consideration and thought that those boys were right. She thought that she was huge. From that day on she tried to find clothes that were bagging so it didn’t show her stomach. She was so insecure she thought that everyone thought she was so ugly.
About a week or two later, this boy who was younger than her told her she was fat (and just between you and I he was a little chubby himself). She shook it off a little bit, but it still hurt her. She thought that what everything that everybody said was true. She was so sad and didn’t want to go outside and see people anymore.
A few days later, she was inside she was on her new laptop that she got from her uncle for her birthday. She hadn’t gone outside in a while and she didn’t plan on going outside ever. She was so terrified about what her neighbors would say. She only went outside to go to the bus stop and wait for the bus. She felt so horrible and she thought she was getting even bigger. She lost her appetite. When she woke up and wouldn’t eat anything for hours. She then wouldn’t eat lunch until everybody else ate lunch and when she ate anything she didn’t eat that much. She wouldn’t even eat dinner sometimes because she felt like if she ate it she would get bigger than she already was and she thought that she was huge.

One day, her mom came up to her and told her that she should eat something. She told her mom that she didn’t want to. Her mom left and thought to herself I hope she’s okay. Her mom told her mom and was telling her about her worries about her daughter’s eating habits. She said “Mom she won’t eat hardly anything, anymore. What do you think is wrong with her?”

Her mom asked” Have you asked her why she hasn’t?” She said” Well no, but it’s just she looks so upset sometimes.”

Her mom said” Well asked her sometime.” Her mom left and went to kitchen to cook some food. She walked in to the kitchen and asked her mom what she was cooking. Her mom said” Chicken.”

She said” Ew gross I hate chicken, I’m just going to eat a chimichanga.” Her mom turned around and looked at her with a puzzled look.

Her mom said” What? Since when?” She turned around and gave her mom a hatful look.

She said” Ever since I haven’t eaten a lot in a while.” Her mom turned around with the same puzzled look and continued cooking. She left the kitchen to go to her room. She came back a few minutes later to get her chimichanga out of the microwave. When she came back she threw away her plate and put her fork into the sink to wash later.

The next day, she went outside for the first time in a very long while. She was leaving to go to the store with her mom, sisters, and grandma. She was walking to the van, but didn’t see those boys. She was relieved to not see those boys. She remembered that when they bullied her she to defend herself she would punch them as pay back and before that she bullied someone before and didn’t know it she forgot and then she apologized to that person the next day. She never has talked to those boys since then and she is still so insecure. She just walks on and ignores bullies today and she gives other people advice on doing the right thing when they are being bullied. And she has made new friends who she’s helped being bullied. She tells them that she feels for them then gives them examples of ways they could handle their problems with others. Her name is Sherry (Which I changed for this story.). She is insecure though and tries to work on saying more things to others who she knows are bulling other kids. She writes short stories about her life and about other fictional characters lives. She talks to her mom about being insecure and her mom tries to help her get over it. She is looking into what she wants to do in the future. She still tries to not talk to those boys today when she sees them.

The author's comments:
I got inspired when I read some of the articles and things on here. I hope that bystanders and bullies will change their thinking when they read this and know how much it hurts people.

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