my breaking point | Teen Ink

my breaking point

September 24, 2013
By Tierrad BRONZE, Burton, Michigan
Tierrad BRONZE, Burton, Michigan
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Ill start this by saying bullying is not okay ! You may bully because you have low self esteem or because its how you were raised ,you may even be doing it because you have never been told that bullying is wrong well once you read this you will know that it is wrong and why it is wrong as well. My opinion on this subject began to be formed at an extremely young age . It all started in second or third grade when other kids at school decided they would bully me .I remember it like it was yesterday . It was picture day at school , I was wearing a pretty white dress . AT the school there were elementary and middle school st5udents and because i was small gullable and sensitive they thought it would be easy to pick on me . The only seat available when i got on the bus was way in the back so as i sat down the middle schooler pushed me right out of my skirt got all dirty and of course everyone at school laughed as I walked in the front doors . I was too scared to tell on them so they seen that I wouldnt tell and continued to bully me every single day.Then life went on it was so hard to deal with the bullying I didnt even feel safe in school. Years went by and the bullying got worse every year . Eventually seventh grade came I was extremely stressed and my hair started to fall out .I was diagnosed with alopecia .I had to wear wigs and one day a girl snuck up behind me pulled it off and threw it into the hall while kids were watching.They all laughed at my bald spots . It was so embarassing .More years passed as it still worsened . Now im in eleventh grade and still very sensitive . About a week ago I went to report kids for bullying me to a teacher and instead of calming me down she yelled at me so I left.When i came home crying my mom went up to the school and the teacher yelled at her as well . Then the next day which was only a few days agoi got so overwhelmed with everything that i ran out of the school crying screaming that I wanted to die . I didnt know where to go and as i was debating it I cut my arma up.In the end the police found me the ambul;ance took me in and I went to a hom eim now better although i am no longer depressed or suicidal Ill never ever forget all the mean people that put me down and when I think about it I just tell myself that i made it through that I can make it Through anything . I overcame the situation and im doing good now but that still does not make bullying okay so next time you wanna bully me or anyone else remember that we all have a breaking point and my breaking point is bullying and although some poeple arent bothered by bullying think of how youre hurting someone when youre bullying them. If i wouldve ended up killing myself it would have affected so many lives and can you imagine how my friends and family would feel . How would you feel if someone you loved was being bullied. If youre a victim of bullying my advice would be to stay strong never give up be proud of who you are and dont let anybody cahnge you youre fine just how you are !!!!!

The author's comments:
So many poeple are bullied and i just want those poeple eto know that i understand how they feel

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