Bullies Are Us | Teen Ink

Bullies Are Us

October 12, 2013
By kyssty101 BRONZE, Paulsboro, New Jersey
kyssty101 BRONZE, Paulsboro, New Jersey
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
sticks and stone break my bones but words will never hurt me

Bullies are just like us. They just need help. They can be mean because they where treated the same way they treat us. I am not saying it ok for them to bully us. Because i have been bulled my hole.If you are being bullied just stay calm and tell someone you trust.Tell the bully You are only bulling me because you were bulled yourself and i know it how you feel you feel alone and you dont have anyone to talk too. If you stop bulling people maybe we could be friends and i could help you.I know it sounds corning but it works. It gets to them. I was told to say this and i say yea like that would help. It make me sould like a geek. But i tryed it and it help. If it does not help stick up for your self and tell them you are hurting people and you should know you are hurting people and and your words hurt. So you need to stop. they will laught but then other see you said something then they will stick up for you and say something then more and more people say something then they know it wont hurt you anymore and they will stop. Make sure when you stick up for youself you do it in a front of alot of people.

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