I'm Saved | Teen Ink

I'm Saved

October 31, 2013
By HannahHemmings BRONZE, Monticello, Illinois
HannahHemmings BRONZE, Monticello, Illinois
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
the only fear we have is fear its self

I walked into the school not wanting to at all. Everyone looked at me and my bruised eye. I felt not wanted at looked down at my feet thinking, Why am I bullied? Do I look like trash? Am I use less? Am I a horrible person? In the mists of my thinking I felt a sharp pain in my left shoulder and pinned to a locker.

"Well looky here, Its Matt," Blake Purrell said. My bully. Beatings everyday, bruises, crying, black eyes. This happens every single day. Blake digs his nails into my shoulder and smirks. I don't make a peep knowing it will be worse if I do. I look behind him and see Josh, The linebacker on the football team. Blake is the quarter back.

"Fighter me Matt! I dare you too!" Blake yells in my face and punches my stomach. I wince and gasp at the pain. Blake brings back his hand and looks like he is going to punch me in the face. That's were everything went slowmo. I turn my face ready face impact, but it never came.

"What do you think you are doing Blake?!" Zach seethed at him. Blake looks scared; I have never seen him this weak before.

" I was only playing around Zach, I swear that is all I was doing!" Blake said stuttering, trying to back away.

"It did not look like that at all" Zach went on "Matt was he only playing around?" I didn't dare to reply thinking Blake will do something to me.

"That's what I thought. Stay away from him Blake or I will personally take care of it with you." Zach lets Blake go, who started running away. Zach looked over at me and smiled.

"You want to come too my house after school and play video games?" Zach asked my smiling. I smile big and nods quickly.

" I'll walk you too class." Zach said and we started walking. Then I realized, I'm Saved from my bully.

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