Who Needs Love in Life | Teen Ink

Who Needs Love in Life

November 1, 2013
By Lindy BRONZE, New York City, New York
Lindy BRONZE, New York City, New York
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
You Only Live Once . (YOLO)

Who Needs Love In Life ?

Hello! My name is Lola Evedeen . I know what you’re thinking right now : who would name their child Lola Evedeen. It’s okay because I’m used to hearing all these things about how weird my name is at school .

At school I’m a total outcast . Even though I’ve been at this school for about a year now , I still haven’t made one friend yet. While I’m still trying to make friends ,I’m also trying to get to know New York .

I do like the scenery of New York . My favorite so far is the Statue of Liberty.

Okay, back to my school life .

I’m now in Biology , the only class that I hate . This is the class that all the rotton kids that tease me are in.

“Look who just came in guys ! Little Miss . Evedeen .’’ Says a boy named Bill . Most of the time he isn’t that mean to me , he only acts this way in front of his friends ,so that he could look and seem cool in front of his friends.

But , all I do is look down getting ready for all the heat I have to take in all throughout this dreadful class.

“ Is little Evedeen going to cry ?” Bill and his friends ask in unison.

Right now I’m really not doing good in holding in my anger because next thing I know I’m saying , “ You know what you should do instead of always being in my business about my name ? Well , I’ll tell you right now ! Mind your own business ! Get a life . You must really care about me , to always tell me my faults ! ” I said while I was leaning over my desk .

I couldn’t believe I said all that !

“Well ,well I’m not sorry !” Bill said while looking quite astonished that I had finally stood up for myself.

“Well, you should be . ” I shot back at him while I gathered all my materials .

I’m glad that Mr . Rodriguez hadn’t seen all that , or else I would have been in the principal’s office by now .

Luckily , biology is my last class .

“RRRRRRRing” the bell sung .

Now I’m extra glad that class is over , especially because of the Bill incident .

I’m outside in the ocean of people in NYC . It’s obviously rush hour from what I see right now . People’s shoes going , “Pitter , patter ” on the gum patterned concrete that actually looks pretty nice .

As I turn the corner to where my house is at , all I have on my mind is what happened between me and Bill . I feel proud of myself that I stood up to those guys for once . Hopefully they ‘ll never bother me again , or make fun of the name that my parents named me .

Once I step into
They say in unison. my house I get greeted with a hug my mother and father . During that moment that was when I realized that all along I already had the love that I asked for at school , at home .

“ I love you mom and dad . ”

“ I love you too, ” they both say in unison

The author's comments:
This story is about a sixth grader who just movedto New York City . While , she's trying to get to know the Big Apple , she's also trying to make new friends . But , the people in the way of what se wants to do is her bullies . Also- Read to find out the rest.

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