"Finding a New Height" | Teen Ink

"Finding a New Height"

November 7, 2013
By Nick Cheater BRONZE, Marietta, Georgia
Nick Cheater BRONZE, Marietta, Georgia
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments


The thought of bullying for some is considered wrong and unjust, while others fake the innocence and become the bully rather than the bullied. People either do something about, or they just stand and watch like nothing ever occurred. The society that we live in today is one where the majority bullies and people stand and watch, causing as much harm on them as the people who are getting bullied. The end result devastates the heart, the soul, and the mind.

Bullying is a concept that has been around for as long as people. Yet, for millions of years, we could never even think to stop it. Even though many people have started programs, businesses, etc. to inform people about the trouble of bullying and how we should put it to an end, it never decreases, it only gets worse. As humans, the nature that we currently have is one that easily forgets what to do and what the purpose is. The mountain of the end of bullying gets steeper and steeper as those who try to stop it try to climb. Even though we almost reach the top, we always fall back down and never reach that goal.

However, there is a way we can reach that climax. And it involves something that humans never could think of: having a calm self-reliance to the nature of this planet and everything living thing consisted inside. Transcendentalism is something that few people fully understand in the world. I, as a 15 year old am just starting to understand the beginning of this concept. But I do fully understand what impact bullying has on me and others. To reach that climax, we need to not only know what transcendentalism is, but wee need to utilize it for our benefit. We need to try it out and see the differences that it can make. Once we find that climax of conforming to nature, we can fix our own nature in our society, thus decreasing the harm of emotional and physical personalities. We can create a civilization that no one has seen before, a civilization that becomes one with the beauty and glory of nature and its calmness.

Bullying is something that is everywhere. We cannot hide from it unless we can turn on the transcendentalist inside of us, rather than partially turn it on and crash under the pressure before we get halfway. Something that is shown by every person, every type of media there is in the world clearly needs to be dealt with. We can make a change, all we have to do is change ourselves.

The author's comments:
This piece of writing really reflects me as a person because of the things I go through in high school. Of course, it is very cliche about the stereotypical bullying in high school, but I always think about how there should be a TRUE ending to it.

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