Bullying and the Harmful Effects | Teen Ink

Bullying and the Harmful Effects

November 7, 2013
By jess_jess_b BRONZE, Marietta, Georgia
jess_jess_b BRONZE, Marietta, Georgia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Bullies seem to rule the school in a child’s young life, and this feeling only progresses the further they travel in their schooling. These cruel, mean, hurtful people choose one that they know will easily become intimidated. They rely on others pain to bring them joy, and do nothing for the good of their peers. With no reflection on their choices, they run the lives of other children, leaving them in fear for every waking day.

Imagine this scenario, the angriest, strongest person at school approaches you in the hallway, and tells you to do their homework or else they will beat you up. What would you do? Stand up for yourself, or give into the bully’s cruel ways? Sadly, young students that become bullied usually give into the bully’s threat, and do whatever they ask. The fear of going to school every day not should not be hidden in a persons’ mind. School should have the safest environment possible for students to learn and not fear their peers.

Bullies rely solely on making others lives miserable; therefore, they are not self-reliant. Transcendentalists have the characteristic of being self-reliant, which means that they take care of themselves, and do not need much guidance from the people around them. Bullies do not have much self-confidence, which represents the reason why they choose to make other students lives miserable. Downing other people gives them the feeling that they are superior and above everyone else. If bullies could see the harm they put other people in and start to rely on themselves and not others, the world would become a better place.

Everyday, people reflect on their choices from that day, and the outcome from all of those choices. Bullies however, have no regard for the damage they do to other students’ self-esteem. They assume that everything in other people’s lives remains normal no matter what they say. However, it does not. Bullies damage other students and make them reflect even harder than they did before. Giving those thoughts of what they did wrong, what they said, or what they could have said differently. These students that reflect with deep feeling stay up hours past their bed time crying and fearing the next day, while the bully sleeps with a grin on their face.

To prevent further bullying either online or in person, the International Bullying Prevention Association, was created for students and parents. This brilliant site has become widely used all over the world. With this site, solutions to bullying, and also conferences are scheduled. Everything has been tied together to put an end to bullying, and all the effects of it.

Bullies represent the worst fear when a student goes to school, and there must be a solution to stop this. Bullies do not rely on themselves, but on the pain of their peers, and they do not reflect on the harmful actions they do. Put an end to bullying and all of the harmful effects of it by joining the IBPA, and always respect the opinions of peers.

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