Hurts so Much | Teen Ink

Hurts so Much

November 7, 2013
By Anonymous

I am what you would call, a victim.
Why do you do this to me?
Why do you laugh?
Is it fun?
Do you know that your words hurt?
You put spells on people like us,
A curse.
You treat us like trash.
And turn our hearts to ash.
Will you ever stop?
Will you ever learn?
No they won't.
Even if they feel their hearts burn.
Bullies multiply by the hour.
The tastes in their mouths,
It must be sour.
How do these people feel?
These scars and wounds,
Deep down in my heart,
Will never heal.
I have seen it before,
Times and times again.
People turn on you,
Even a friend.
I don't want these people to fade,
Due to the wounds and sorrow they've made.
My dear friend,
You are not alone.
For people like us,
Who understand,
We're Home.
God Bless us all,
For a safe and peaceful day.
Lets just hope,
It stays,
This way.

The author's comments:
Bullying is a nasty and disgusting thing to even mention. I have had experience and might I add, it was a disaster. Made me hate the world and want to run away from everything. Running away is never going to be an option. For it will never be a solution.

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