Bullying: A New View of the Term | Teen Ink

Bullying: A New View of the Term

November 8, 2013
By Lucas Deibert BRONZE, Marietta, Georgia
Lucas Deibert BRONZE, Marietta, Georgia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

There are many topics I could choose for this article. However, I felt a strong connection with this particular subject. During my life, I watch my friends get bullied, and with some I have to discover they have problem from another source. I also came to learn that there is more to bullying then what is displayed on public education.

Bullying, by textbook definition is using superior power to bend peoples` fears to your want. It is a cowardly action, as people tend to use it for attention or "respect". There are many forms of it, including cyber, emotional, mental and physical for both boys and girls. As a result, I choose to be like the transcendentalists, and stand up for unjust action, in a non-violent method. In my life, I've had incidents with child bullies, and even grown-ups as bullies. Yes, I said grown-ups. I have had seen adults bully children.

When I was little, I was shy and quiet. Occasionally, I would warm up to my friends, but otherwise, very reserved. One day, a few kids started to pick on me. I was physically attacked once, and the incident was reported. I was hit on both sides on my body and I was very little then. The attack and the threat of getting in bigger trouble for defending myself made the situation worse. I have experienced bullying along with unjust treatment, so I understand how the victims feel in these situations. There is an abundance of children in the world who experience some form of bullying . In the future one of your kids may experience bullying. If this occurs, the last thing you want to do is make the assumption that they have to learn to fend for themselves. Guiding your child through that difficult time, is much more beneficial for his or her future.

By helping a child in need of a helping hand, you can go big and join an organization. Or simply stand up for a kid who is being bullied right in front of you. It is not hard to find a child who is in a bad situation. In the long run, these kids need the support, and will be grateful later. There are organizations, such as NCAB (National Center Against Bullying) and stopbullying.gov which handle large scale bullying worldwide.

Whether you pull a kid from a fight, report someone or pick up the phone, you can help a child in need. I watch too many of my friends being picked on for stupid reasons. And now, as I turn on a news channel, there is a case somewhere when a kid commits suicide because of bullying. We all need put a stop to this growing social problem.

The author's comments:
I feel a personal connection as I have experienced this before

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