as i grow | Teen Ink

as i grow

November 9, 2013
By lovemyfiance BRONZE, Fairfield, Illinois
lovemyfiance BRONZE, Fairfield, Illinois
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
do unto others as you want them to unto you.

when i was younger i found the world amazing. as i started to grow it became darker and colder. i was made fun of and laughed at . i was to big, so i became additced to diet pills . i became to skinny. my face was to blank , i used makeup. i became fake. as now a teen so close to adult hood, i have relized that all the bullys have had life hit them harder than i ever had. i send my thanks to karma for doing her job. i have learned that i can be me and only me and the ones who love me don't judge.

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