How do we know? | Teen Ink

How do we know?

November 15, 2013
By InspireTheMusic SILVER, Ray, North Dakota
InspireTheMusic SILVER, Ray, North Dakota
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"its hard to dance with the devil on your back so shake him off"

How do we know if someone sees us?
how do we know if someone cares?
how do we know if people want to help us through the stuff we deal with?
For no one ever comes to our aid when we are being pushed and shoved into the lockers, called names for not blending in with the crowd.
Its not our fault we are different, that we're not popular. its not our chose to be labeled by what ails us...we just want to fit in.
To not be bullied relentlessly for being individual... so How do we know if the want to help us...?

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