My Guilty Addiction | Teen Ink

My Guilty Addiction

November 22, 2013
By Jonathon Micheal BRONZE, Boston, Massachusetts
Jonathon Micheal BRONZE, Boston, Massachusetts
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

After reading the article “My Guilty Addiction” by Brittany Butler, I started to think more about how people felt when I speak and when I act. I thought that Brittany was strong in her situation and I am glad that she could stop herself from her addiction of power and control over her peers. I have heard of many bullying situations and I am glad to read one with a happy ending.
I agree that bullying is wrong and that people should try to stop it from happening, Im glad people are becoming more aware of their surroundings and how people feel. If she hadn’t figured out that the craving of power was bad, i think she would still be a bully. I like that people are trying to stop bullying and im glad that its becoming more aware about bullying. The 6th paragraph i think had the best description about her and her issue “ My only thought was ‘ i couldn’t let myself I must stay on top. I cannot lose my place.’ My ambition had twisted into a gruesome obsession. I put others down to feed my ego.”
One person can make a difference.

The author's comments:
Amazing Inspiring

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