smiles | Teen Ink


November 30, 2013
By Anonymous

I sit here… I think about sitting over there may be closer to someone who just might realize something is wrong with me. But I sit here and I think, I think maybe someone will come to me and they'll save me and things will be different and I won’t have to escape any more I won’t have to go off into my own universe and think about things that make me sit here so far away from everyone. But as I sit here I remember where I’m at and recognize that they laugh at me that girl who just pushed my books off the table and laughed hysterically like she hadn't seen anything funnier in the world. May be at home she sits there too. May be the girl who laughed with her sits there too. I look deep into their eyes I examine their body language I've never felt sorry for someone else because I know what it’s like to have someone pity you and it is not sincerity it’s complete nonsense but for the slight moment that they look back at me before they crack another joke about the holes in my jeans about the same backpack I’ve had since middle school I feel the pain they go through and I begin to feel sorry for them. And so I sit here. No movement no heavy breaths no blinking I just sit here.

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