Shades and Daze | Teen Ink

Shades and Daze

December 14, 2013
By d_aren BRONZE, Ewing, New Jersey
d_aren BRONZE, Ewing, New Jersey
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I walk around in a daze.
Just like the rest of society.
We are all covered with shades.
The shades of image.
Never the true images of what’s in our hearts.
But, the images that our common society wants to put upon us.
The pressure to be perfect is what I call it.
We walk around in a daze.
Covered with shades.
The shades of worry.
Worry, stopping us from being ourselves.
If we even remember who we truly are.
The thoughts of worry cascades our individuality and turns us into automatons.
People walk around in a daze.
Covered with shades of judgment and hate.
Most of us were taught to love.
So how does that turn into hate?
Can you answer that question, I can’t.
We live in a world where people hold their heads down and try not to hear the hateful judgments of their so called “companions, friends, and allies”
The shades are wrapped around, torn, branded in to our minds, our futures, and our hearts.
The world doesn’t have to live like this.
Instead of negative shades let’s unwind ourselves from those.
Let’s build new ones full of hope, happiness, imagination, and thankfulness.
If we each put positive shades into our lives we could change society, the world, and create the most desirable thing of all that everyone, no matter what gender, race, or religion you are. Everyone wants this one simple, but complex word.

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