bullying | Teen Ink


December 19, 2013
By madison boehne BRONZE, Murphy, North Carolina
madison boehne BRONZE, Murphy, North Carolina
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

A single word can act as a blade cutting into the soul of that person forever. Your words can break a person into a million pieces or they can rebuild them. Before you speak your words should go through three gates, is it kind, is it necessary and is it true. Bullying isn’t just physical it is very much emotional. It doesn’t matter if it is just a “joke” it can still damage a person.
It is facile to find the negative in a person. That geeky band girl doesn’t have pretty straight hair, or the head cheerleader doesn’t have a perfectly straight smile, and that star football player isn’t the smartest? Inside we are all the same we all feel pain, we all lose our way and we all bleed red. The world would be so different if we looked at people and saw the beauty in them instead of what is wrong with them. That geeky band girl may be a fantastic writer, that cheerleader with a warped smile sings like an angle, that football player may be an extravagant artist. You shouldn’t judge a person on what is on the outside, you should get to know them for what is on the inside. Perhaps that creepy Goth boy in the back of the room is a complete teddy bear.
The silent struggles that people go face remain unseen. That always smiling pretty blonde girl has cut marks on her thighs. I bet you didn’t know that, that quite girl in the back of the class lost her stepbrother over the summer. Maybe the reason your best friend always wears long sleeves is to hide the bruises her father leaves on her each night when he beats her. Perhaps that pregnant girl at your school that everyone calls a slut was raped by her uncle.

How many people have to kill themselves before people realize that their words have effects on people? After being called worthless and stupid every single day people are going to start to believe it. The bruises you left will heal but the way you made that boy feel won’t go away. Then the day came where he finally snapped and couldn’t take the pain anymore so he took his life. People are going to tell you it wasn’t your fault but deep inside you know it is all your fault. His blood is on your hands because you slowly killed him each day with your words. A person is like a piece of paper once you rip them apart with you words you can’t fix them, you can try taping together the pieces but it will never really be the same.

Some people wait all week for Friday, all year for summer, and then there are some people that have to wait all of their life to be happy. After being broken so many times people start to put a wall up. No one deserves to feel worthless, no one should be called a freak. Everyone goes through a struggle in their life and to them it is just as bad as whatever you may go through. The only words that you will regret more than the words left unsaid are the words that you say to initially hurt someone.

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